Introducing the...

Water Wellness


How Has This Water Helped People?

The video below is a small collection of a few stories...(have to stay off the radar with this stuff)

Can I Just Order The Ionizer Alone?

You could, however, it's not something I recommend because while there is a filter in the Ionizer, it is only certified to remove chlorine and lead.

While it would be cool to make a sale, I would never sell an Ionizer to someone without a  prefilter as I value the health over the sale.

You need both. They are like peanut butter and jelly.

Could I Just Start With The Filter?

Absolutely! That is where many people start, and then they work their way up to getting the Ionizer later.

If you are on city water(that doesn't have boil water advisories), its something you can look into right now with this simple quiz.

HINT: Using my code (435120) gives you a discount and gets me to help you set this up.

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