Aquafina vs Dasani Water. Which water is better? We test them both!

Aquafina vs Dasani Water. Which water is better? We test them both right here!

In today’s review, we have a battle of the waters! 

Aquafina is owned by PepsiCo, and Dasani is owned by Coca-Cola, so this makes this battle even more interesting.

We are going to test these waters for three different things:

  • Antioxidants
  • Alkalinity
  • Superior Hydration


Free radicals are formed in the cells of our body, under the influence of various factors, such as smoking, exposure to ionizing radiation, UV rays, polluted air. They are basically everywhere.

Because free radicals are unstable, with a lack of electrons in their outer orbit, they attack the nearest stable molecule, stealing electrons from it.

This way, once a stable molecule is destabilized and it becomes a free radical, resulting in the creation of increasing the damage to the cells of the body.

In order to defend ourselves against free radicals, it is necessary to take antioxidants into the body. They neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation and oxidation, and keep us healthy and young.

But how are we gonna test if Aquafina and Dasani are oxidizing us, thus making us sicker?

By using an ORP Meter!

If we see a positive number showing on the ORP reading, that means the water is creating oxidation, and that’s definitely not good for us. However, a lower number shows waters’ ability to reduce oxidation, therefore that’s the value we want to see!

Let’s start with Aquafina.

Aquafina vs Dasani Which water is better We test them both right here

That’s a high number we don’t want to see. This means that Aquafina is creating oxidation.

Will Dasani do any better?

Aquafina vs Dasani Which water is better We test them both right here

They are about even. Aquafina was a little bit lower, so we’re gonna give this round to Aquafina.

Unfortunately, both of these waters are oxidizing us, so there is no real winner between them. 

If you are wondering if there is water that actually has a negative value, meaning it’s good for us, check this out!

Aquafina vs Dasani Which water is better We test them both right here

This water is extremely antioxidant-rich! You can find out more about this water later in this article. 

Let’s do the next test. Alkalinity


Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for showing that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline, oxygen-rich environment. So, in order to stay healthy, we have to do our best to keep our body in a slightly alkaline environment.

In fact, we start very alkaline. But the moment we leave the womb, acidic outside factors began to attack our body.

Tobacco, fast food, sodas, pollution, all these things are acidic and our body has to find a way to reach its natural balance. And it does it in a pretty dramatic manner. It will take nutrients and minerals from its own skin, joints, ligaments, and brain.

That’s how we end up developing different diseases.

But, let’s test the pH level of our contenders. 

Aquafina vs Dasani Which water is better We test them both right here

They are both acidic. They are both eating the minerals and electrolytes in our body.

Again, even result. 

Superior Hydration

What does superior hydration mean?

Well, it means that if you drink your water, it actually hydrates you fast and completely, as it should. It shouldn’t sit in your stomach, making you feel bloated, heavy, and thirsty. It should hydrate you on a cellular level.

And how can we demonstrate if our contenders are hydrating us or not? By using a teabag.

Teabag represents our cellular membrane. The water should pass the membrane, push out the toxins, and bring in the nutrients. If it can’t pass through teabag, how should it pass through a much smaller membrane?

Let’s see if these waters can make it.

Aquafina vs Dasani Which water is better We test them both right here

Well, not much happened. It can barely pass the teabag, and both are pretty bad doing that.

And what about that antioxidant water that did well? Can that water hydrate us? Let’s check!

Aquafina vs Dasani Which water is better We test them both right here

As you can see, it makes tea instantly. It doesn’t have any problems going through the membrane as Aquafina and Dasani. 

Aquafina vs Dasani Water Conclusion

Aquafina vs Dasani. Which water is better?

We tested these two for 3 specific properties. Aquafina did the antioxidants test a little bit better than Dasani, but both waters are oxidizing and are bad for our health.

The second test was alkalinity, and both tested out as acidic.

The last test was for hydration abilities, and both Aquafina and Dasani failed.

I can not recommend either of these. They are both purified waters, and it is really hard to pick out one as better since they are both equally bad. 

To help you in your journey towards true wellness, I made a report about the five properties every healthy water has. I personally use these tools in my life right now!

If you want something that's better, water that actually improves your health and life quality, contact me and do the best for your well-being!

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