Distilled vs Purified Water, which one is the best for our health?

Distilled vs Purified Water, which one is the best for our health?

In today’s review, we have a battle of the waters. 

To find which one is better, Distilled vs Purified Water, we’re gonna test them for 3 specific things:

  • Oxidation
  • Alkalinity
  • Superior Hydration

Both of these types of water are coming from the same company, but the process is slightly different of how they make it.

So, let’s begin with the first test:


Our body needs antioxidants. They help us push out the toxins from our body, and by that reduce inflammation and oxidation.

And inflammation and oxidation are linked to every single disease known to man. Free radicals, chemical compounds found in the air, cause these issues. They are in the air we breathe, pollution, electronics, even in the food and drinks that we consume.

For that reason, we need antioxidants, to fight free radicals, stay healthy, and fight disease!

To see if these types of water create oxidation and inflammation, we’re going to use an ORP meter. The higher the value is, the worst for us. Our water should have a negative value on the ORP meter, but let’s see how will distilled water do!

As you can see, we are getting a positive number in the 200 area. That means that this water is creating more sickness and oxidizing us.

Well, purified water should be better, right?

Well, wrong. It actually did worse than distilled water.

Both of these are oxidizing, and neither one is good for improving your health.

But, distilled water did slightly better, so we’re gonna give this round to distilled water.

Let’s move on to the second test!


We want to make our bodies stay slightly alkaline. And if the water that we are consuming is acidic, that’s kinda hard to achieve.

Good water can help us do that. It will balance out the acidity caused by alcohol, fast food, smoking, sweeteners, etc. And this acidity eats electrolytes and minerals that our body needs for proper functioning.

So, without balanced water, this will cause a number of health issues for us. Your skin will get dry and itchy, ligaments will become weak, and your bones will become brittle without needed minerals.

But to test if our contenders are acidic or alkaline, we’re going to use pH drops.

Red, orange, or yellow color indicates acidic water that’s doing us harm, while blue, purple, or dark purple indicates water that is either providing minerals or ensuring our body has exactly what it needs.

So, both of these are acidic. But, to be honest, this shouldn’t surprise you!

Distilled water is made by the distillation process. The water is heated up, evaporated, and in this process stripped of all minerals and nutrients that are left behind.

On the other hand, purified water can be processed by various techniques. Reverse osmosis, distillation, and filtration are just some, but either way - the result is the same. All the minerals are removed as well as the bad stuff that comes with the water.

Therefore, they are essentially the same water but called differently due to the production process.

Let’s go ahead and talk about the third test!

Superior Hydration

Our water should be able to hydrate us on a cellular level.
And to test if these types of water do that or not, we’re going to use a simple trick with a teabag!

Can distill or purified water make tea without boiling it first? Can it pass the teabag? 

Well, distill water didn’t do any good. It is unable to pass through the teabag, and pull out the nutrients, which is essentially what making tea is. 

Let’s go ahead and try out our purified drinking water!

This one is looking a little bit better, but that might be because of the residue left from distilled water.

Ultimately, it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do. You are getting maybe 10% of the hydration that your body needs.

And that’s not enough. What you need is 100%! And if you are wondering if there is water that can do that for you, check this out:


So, Distilled vs Purified Water, which one is the best for our health?

We tested distilled vs purified water for 3 specific properties.

We saw that both waters are oxidizing. They are both acidic and take electrolytes and minerals from our body, and none of them can hydrate us as they should.

Distilled and purified water are not meant for human consumption. Their main purpose is industrial use, and that’s why they come in the gallon containers.

I highly recommend not drinking these waters!

To help you in your journey towards true wellness, I made a report about the five properties every healthy water has. I personally use these tools in my life right now!

If you want something that's better, water that actually improves your health and life quality, contact me and do the best for your well-being!

For more content like this make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and check me out on Facebook to get more tips on boosting your wellness.

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