Essentia vs Smart Water: Which Water Is Better of the Two?

Essentia vs Smart Water: Which Water Is Better of the Two?

In today’s water battle we have two contesters, Essentia and Smart Water!

Essentia advertises as an overachieving h20, so that’s something that we’re gonna definitely put up for a test! On the other hand, Smart Water is one of the famous brands that everyone is talking about when it comes to which water is best for you.

We're gonna test our contenders for three distinct properties:

  • Antioxidants
  • Alkalinity
  • Superior Hydration

So, let’s start with the first test: Antioxidants!

#1 Challenge: ANTIOXIDANTS

We are surrounded by free radicals who are responsible for cellular dis-balance and oxidation. They are found in the air, electronics, even in the food that we eat.

Free radicals cause the once healthy cell to become inflamed which results in the cells' inability to release the bad content and to take in the necessary nutrients. This leads to a number of health issues and sickness.

Luckily, we know about antioxidants. And antioxidants are essentially a fountain of youth. They are filling up free radicals with electrons and by that protecting our cells from a negative impact.

Antioxidants slow down the aging process, they stop rusting in our body, stop inflammation, and ultimately keep us healthy and young.

To find out if Essentia and Smart Water are oxidizing our cells, or making us sicker, we’re going to use an ORP meter.

ORP Meter

ORP stands for oxidation-reduction potential. It basically shows the ability of the water to reduce oxidation of the cells.

If our contenders are oxidizing, our test will show a positive value which means that the water is positively charged. On the other hand, if they contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties, we will get a negative value. 

Let’s start with Essentia water first!

Essentia water is oxidizing us, which is not the best news, but let’s see how Smart Water will do!

We are getting 240+, so that means that Essentia water is creating less oxidation than Smart Water, which doesn’t mean that it doesn’t create any.

Unfortunately, both of these waters are creating oxidation and damaging our health, but for the sake of the Water Battles, we’re gonna give this one to Essentia!

Next test - Alkalinity!

#2 Challenge: Alkalinity

The disease cannot survive in an alkaline environment. So the water that we're consuming should help keep our body in an alkaline state. 

We want our blood to stay slightly alkaline, at the level of 7.365, and by consuming alkaline water our body has no issue of reaching that level. 

However, by drinking acidic water, the body does everything to neutralize waters’ acidity. 


By taking the minerals and nutrients from our body, skin, ligaments, and joints. 

That’s how we end up with diseases such as:

  • Eczema, 
  • Brittle bones - osteoporosis,
  • Alzheimer's and other mental diseases.

To find out if our water is acidic or alkaline, we're going to use pH drops.

Red, orange, or yellow color indicates acidic water that’s doing us harm, while blue, purple, or dark purple indicates water that is either providing minerals or ensuring our body has exactly what it needs.

pH Test

Let’s see now if Essentia and Smart Water are acidic or alkaline!

Essentia is showing that purple color that we want to see. Smart Water is showing a neutral level.

But just to check if this is the real deal, I want to do an additional test to see if Essentia is somehow hiding its acidity. By blowing some air through the straw, we can unmask fake alkalinity. Let’s do this test now!

So there you have it. While Essentia appeared to be alkaline, it seems that it’s on the same level as Smart Water. This makes sense since both of these waters are purified in some way. 

Although it seemed like Essentia scored another one against Smart Water, the result of this test is even. 

Let’s do a point for each. 

Last test - Superior Hydration


We’re going to test both waters for their hydration abilities. And it’s done by a simple trick using a teabag!

Let’s go ahead and see if our contenders actually absorb into the tea bag and pull out the nutrients. We use this as an example to see how it's going to hydrate us at a cellular level. 

Essentia did better on this test than Smart Water. It managed to make tea, although it didn’t do as well as it should. 

Ultimately, Essentia can hydrate you much better than Smart Water.


Essentia 3

Smart Water 1

Winner: Essentia


Essentia vs Smart Water: Which Water Is Better of the Two?

If I had to drink one of these two - Essentia water would be my choice. 

But, since both are creating oxidation and make us sicker - I choose neither.

So ultimately, the winner between two is arguably Essentia, but you're really losing by drinking any of these.

To help you in your journey towards true wellness, I made a report about the five properties every healthy water has. I personally use these tools in my life right now!

If you want something that's better, water that actually improves your health and life quality, contact me and do the best for your well-being!

For more content like this make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and check me out on Facebook to get more tips on boosting your wellness.

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