Hey, what is going on? LaPrentiss here. In this video, I'm gonna do a oxigen water ph test, all right?

It's gonna be really quick, so just hold onto your hats. And we are going to put some pH drops in this water, and we're gonna see a color in this oxigen water ph test, right?
And if we see a red, a orange, or a yellow, we know that this is acidic, okay? If we see a blue, a purple, or dark purple, we know it's alkaline. Green is neutral.
And if we see alkaline, I want to test it to see how strong it is and see if it's truly alkaline or if it's just pretending to be. Okay, let's go ahead and add these drops.All righty. So it looks like Oxigen Water is acidic, okay? There you have it.

Thats all for this oxigen water ph test, and you can check the whole video on this link.
Now if you wanna know why and see the full review that I do on Oxigen Water, you wanna find that link. I have it either to my left or my right, or it may be down in the comments, but go ahead and check that out, and I will see you in the next water test.